Beacon Business Accountants located in Kedron, Brisbane are Business and Property Tax Specialists, and Accounting Advisors.

Caring for you,
your business
and your family.

Tax Depot qualified accountants in Jindalee, Brisbane. servicing Brisbane, Southside for Income Tax Returns, BAS, GST

Tax Depot merges with
Beacon Business Accountants

Beacon Business Accountants to incorporate Tax Depot clients.

As you would be aware, Tax Depot has shared business premises at Kedron with Beacon Business Accountants for five years since relocating from Beenleigh.

The two businesses have key team members whom have previously worked together in accounting practices. The culture and ethics of the two businesses are similar; as are the services provided and the accounting and tax applications used.

To capitalise on cost and time efficiencies and reduce unnecessary duplication in areas such as software, telephony, website, administration, support staff, marketing and subscriptions etc. we have decided to merge.

This should be completed with very little if any disruption to clients and result in benefits that a more efficient, slightly larger organisation can deliver.

Please note that the physical business address remains the same, as does my mobile contact number, but my email address is with the Beacon website being

Our central telephone number is 07 3391 6300.

Should you have any questions, please let me know.

Noel Ryan

Registered Accountant – BCom CPA

Noel Ryan is a registered CPA Accountant located at Beacon Business Accountants, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane